It is safe for my personal data to subscribe to James Lazzeroni's Newsletter?
Yes. James respects your privacy. Your email address is never shared!

It's completely free to sign up?
Yes, completely FREE!
After your email, James will reply to your email confirming your registration and sending you, via email, a musical gift.

Will my information remain private?
Your email address is never shared! Your Information stays PRIVATE.

Can I unsubscribe? ..... How?
UNSUBSCRIBE any time you want.
You can unsubscribe at any time and completely FREE.
You can unsubscribe by emailing James.

How often will I receive James' Newsletter?
Not often. James will send you an email when new albums and videos are released, or concerts booking.

Back to Newsletter page

Any questions?
If you ever have any questions, please feel free ask at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com


James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of SoloPiano.com

Questions? Send an Email at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com