James Lazzeroni - Solo Piano Music

James Lazzeroni - Solo Piano Music Straddling the line between neoclassical and new age, solo piano compositions by James Lazzeroni, similar to Jim Brickman's piano music, evoke romance, hope and love.
James' piano music available for purchase and stream on all digital stores such as Apple Music/iTunesAmazonMusicSpotifyPandora Music.
Watch James Lazzeroni's live performances on his official artist channel on YouTube.

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Hope, faith and peace are truly at the heart of James' passionate songwriting. “I write relaxing piano music to be shared — to soothe, to inspire, to prayer, to love. To me, music is the pure and simple soundtrack to life’s most memorable moments.” James

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james lazzeroni piano music

All this relaxing piano music in New Age style is composed, arranged, performed and recorded by James Lazzeroni. Copyright © All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized duplication or use in any manner, MP3s and/or downloads over the internet is a violation of copyright laws.
It is illegal to record any of this piano music without permission of James Lazzeroni.


James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of SoloPiano.com

Questions? Send an Email at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com