GRACE: Solo Piano for Prayer & Worship

Grace: solo piano for prayer & worship

GRACE piano music for prayer and worship is a different album from James' other solo piano works. This album is comprised mostly of praise and worship James' solo piano compositions. This is his first album ever that is "improvisational" in nature. It is a soulful album. Quiet, prayerful, serene.

Great solo piano music to worship and prayer. If you need a solo piano music for prayer, this album is for you!

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Album Liner Notes by James Lazzeroni
I know not everyone digs what they perceive.... as "religious" music.
If you fall into that category, guess what? You'll still love the Album. You may not know the songs, but it will still sound like the "James Lazzeroni" piano music you've always known and enjoyed.

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James Lazzeroni

James Lazzeroni is an internationally recognized solo piano artist, composer of solo piano music. James' original piano music, which have featured prominently in TV, radio and film, resonates with listeners in 68 countries around the world, and is easily accessible on platforms such as SpotifyApple MusicPandora, or Amazon Music. James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of

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