James Lazzeroni - The Best of Solo Piano

James Lazzeroni - The Best of Solo Piano
The Best of Solo Piano by James Lazzeroni

The Best of Solo Piano is a beautiful piano collection for all piano lovers.
18 tracks (View Tracklist), contains James Lazzeroni's original piano compositions, and includes the Christmas music at the piano.
A great album to start your James Lazzeroni collection!

#1 on the Amazon (instrumental charts)

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(Be sure to scroll up and down to see and hear all the songs)

At a certain point I felt the need to turn around and look at the road made. From this thought took shape and substance my desire to produce a collection with my solo piano hits, which have found greater satisfaction among my friends.
It is important to say that I have not been content to republish the tracks I had already published. In fact I played and new recorded many tracks to give it new life and new momentum. I invite my fans to compare the same song on this album with the previous release; well, they will find many differences.
My album The Best of contains also my piano single Homeless. In the world there are many forgotten people. I wrote this piano song to remember the forgotten people. James



James Lazzeroni is an internationally recognized solo piano artist. James' original piano music, which have featured prominently in TV, radio and film, resonates with listeners in 68 countries around the world, and is easily accessible on platforms such as SpotifyApple MusicPandora, or Amazon Music. James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of SoloPiano.com

Questions? Send an Email at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com