'Wind' - Review

The chords at the beginning creates this premise building up to the whimsical flow that is wind. Sitting on my porch, staring at the clouds rolling by as the afternoon carries away with time is something you have to do while listening to this single. I’ve listened to it over and over. In the car, on my porch (no hammock), brainstorming, editing, and working. It’s playing in the background gently and softly. This track is very reflective and holds an adventure waiting to happen. The pacing and chords along with the tempo perfectly describes that scene where the protagonist is laying in the field of tall grass (with nothing crawling on them) staring aimlessly watching the clouds roll across the sky. How about two friends identifying shapes, animals or objects clouds make as they are carried by the WIND.

Reviewed by Amaya Sullivan on 06/28/2018


James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of SoloPiano.com

Questions? Send an Email at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com