Mission Statement

A dear childhood friend asked me "James, how do you have so much energy? ... for years I've always been in awe of your energy to get things done; to dedicate time to your solo piano albums, your creativity piano music, your faith in God".

Here's how I answered...

Wow Matthew, it's nice to know that I am perceived this way.
I believe that it's not about being perfect, it's about being original.
I think that music affects healing and reinforces our association with the earth.
I write relaxing piano music to be shared — to soothe, to inspire, to prayer, to love. To me, music is the pure and simple soundtrack to life’s most memorable moments.
Everything I do in piano music is an expression of my faith. I believe that God has given me some gifts; music yes, but also the gift of communication, the gift of creativity. And since I believe God designed me specifically to do these things, I feel like these things are a part of my purpose. And so in applying myself to this purpose in doing the very thing that I know God designed me to do it brings me joy and love. And it's that joy that keeps me going.

And being content in in all situations, bad and good, is not an easy thing to do, working through the difficult stuff of life and my decision to pro-actively re-wire my mind for positivity and purpose.
But the longer I live, and the more of my life that I have lived, the more I look back and see how God used everything to bring me to where I am now, and so that strengthens my faith. And seeing that also gives me the strength to keep on going.
Each day that we have is a gift from God. Every moment we have with our family is a gift. And so in all things, I try and take those gifts and give them back to God. And doing that requires an heart of thankfulness, and I also think it takes a humble heart one that is willing to submit to God, and to simply say "Thank you, forgive me for my selfish ways give me patience, wisdom, and help me to conform to your purpose."


James Lazzeroni

James Lazzeroni is an internationally recognized solo piano artist, composer of solo piano music. James' original piano music, which have featured prominently in TV, radio and film, resonates with listeners in 68 countries around the world, and is easily accessible on platforms such as SpotifyApple MusicPandora, or Amazon Music. James Lazzeroni is proud to be a member of SoloPiano.com

Questions? Send an Email at jameslazzeroni@gmail.com