Piano Pedals - What do they work
Everything About the Piano Pedals
The piano pedals are usually made of cast iron or brass.They pivot on steel pins inserted crosswise through the center or toward the rear of their length. These pins are supported by wooden, metal, or plastic pivot blocks screwed to the bottom board of the piano.
The Grand Pedals
Grand pedals are suspended from the bottom of the keybed by the pedal lyre. To withstand the heavy force exerted on the pedals, the lyre has large screws or bolts fastening it to the keybed, with diagonal braces helping to strengthen the entire assembly.The grand soft pedal, to the left, is usually a shifter or una corda pedal. With a lever that fits into a notch in the bottom of the key frame, the pedal shifts the entire action to the right, reducing the volume of sound.
The sustaining pedal, to the right, uses the damper lift rail to lift all dampers at once.
The middle pedal is the sostenuto mechanism. When you depress a key, and then the sostenuto pedal, the sostenuto rod lip engages with the lip on the damper assembly, holding the damper up off the strings after the key is released.
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